Tuesday, September 22, 2015

9 - 22 - 15  John, is retired, 60 years of age and looks much younger, is divorced and lives out of the city, but visits often.  Always wanted to experience being photographed by a women.  He's a guy who loves women, always looking.  Tall and slim, he told me that he is vain and shy.  I noticed that his penis started to respond to my camera, once I started photographing him.  At first, he thought he would be uncomfortable, but knew that he was comfortable.  I'm glad he did the shoot and now has the experience.  Nice guy, too.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

9 - 15 - 15  Photographing Cameron today was cool.  Under his loose-fitting shirt and blue pants, revealed a body that was toned with muscles, looking good.  All his body parts were ideal that went along with being a super nice guy, very good-looking.  He's in his thirties and works in advertising.
Easy on the eyes for sure.  Wanted to have the experience of being photographed nude by a female. Very pleasurable photo shoot.